Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Business Workshops next week in Osceola

The ASU Small Business & Technology Development Center, in partnership with the Osceola/SMC Chamber, will be hosting two workshops next week to benefit both existing and potential small businesses and entrepreneurs.  The courses are open to anyone that wishes to attend, and members of the Osceola/SMC Chamber receive $5 off of the regular registration price.

Though the events will be held in the Chamber facilities, event registration is through the ASBTDC.  Online registration links are below the description for each respective course. Participants must register at least 24 hours prior to each course, so click over now and sign up today!

Tuesday, March 18
9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Osceola/SMC Chamber of Commerce
116 N Maple
Osceola, AR 72370
Find out the major steps crucial to starting a business, identify key issues that affect your business success, and discuss start-up requirements as well as common pitfalls you may face as an entrepreneur. Learn what to do to be successful -- before you open the doors! 
Event fee $30
Chamber members $25
ASU Faculty, Staff, Students $15
Veterans FREE

Tuesday, March 18
1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Osceola/SMC Chamber of Commerce
116 N Maple
Osceola, AR 72370
This seminar will explain how and where to get financing for prospective and existing businesses. Credit requirements, places to go for funding and the Small Business Administration's loan guaranty program will be presented.
Event fee $35
Chamber members $30
ASU Faculty, Staff, Students $17.50

The Arkansas Small Business & Technology Development Center has helped small Businesses and entrepreneurs launch, grow and succeed for 30 years from the Delta to the Ozarks.  This is a great opportunity for both existing and prospective business owners.

For more information, please contact Lois Travis or Abbi Siler at 870-972-3517, or lois@astate.edu or  lsiler@astate.edu, respectively.

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